Lalitpur District, Nepal

Mobile:     +977-9869081517


I am a Software Engineer with 6+ years of experience in building and deploying web applications using varying tech stacks. My expertise lies in the frontend, backend and mobile apps. I like learning. I like teaching. If I had one super power, I would be a better writer. In a way, those are the reasons why I blog.

I want to be a resource to all that read this blog so don’t hesitate to reach out and just say ‘Hey’.

Top Skills

JavaScript • Amazon EC2 • React.js • React Native • Python • Node.JS


Rippey AI

Lead Engineer [May 2024 - Present]

  • Led and managed a team of 11 engineers in the design, development, and deployment of
  • Coordinated with product management, QA, and other departments to align engineering efforts with business goals.
  • Oversaw code reviews, architectural designs, and system integrations to maintain high-quality standards.
  • Provided technical guidance and mentorship to junior engineers, fostering professional growth and development.
  • Managed project timelines, resources, and budgets to ensure timely and within-scope delivery.

Tech Stack: Node.js, Javascript, Python, MongoDB

Senior Software Engineer [Nov 2023 - May 2023]

  • Implemented RabbitMQ to optimize inter-service communication, enhancing system stability and scalability, and mitigating system breaks.
  • Designed and implemented ABAC(Attribute-Based Access Control) as a replacement for traditional single credentials login.

Tech Stack: Node.js, Javascript, Python, MongoDB


Senior Software Engineer [Jan 2023 - Nov 2023 (2 years 9 months)]

  • Migration of on-premise Logpoint to Cloud
  • Worked with services like EC2, Lambda, Amazon S3, etc in the migration process
  • Managed infrastructure automation using Terraform
  • Migration of legacy UI to React component
  • Provided mentorship to a team of new engineers as part of my role
  • Work closely with offshore development teams

Tech Stack: React.js, Node.js, Javascript, Python, Java, MongoDB, AWS, terraform

Software Engineer [Mar 2021 - Jan 2023 (1 year 11 months)]

  • Designed a utility tool to check broken link in which significantly reduced the workload of doc QA by 100%.
  • Designed and implemented SOAR playbook explorer (, handled communication with diverse stake holders across Nepal, Denmark and Israel team.
  • Responsible for developing and providing full-stack support for the current project developed in ReactJs, Hapijs, Node Js, MongoDB.
  • Maintaining coding standards and quality(SonarQube, ESLint), setting up the cloud infrastructure for Deployment.
  • Worked on LogPoint's Documentation Portal( which serves product documentation.
  • Worked on LogPoint Community Portal(

Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Node.js(Express JS), React/Redux, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, AWS, Docker, Jenkins

Artha Sarokar

Lead Engineer [April 2022 - June 2022 (3 months)]

  • Developed economic news portal app for android and ios.

Tech Stack: React, Firebase, iOS Development, React Native, Android

Cyphertree Technologies Pvt Ltd

Software Engineer [Aug 2020 - Apr 2022 (1 year 9 months)]

Memetoons: Responsible for managing, development and deployment of:

  • Android app to Play Store
  • iOS app to App Store
  • Admin Dashboard
  • Client facing site
  • Backend built on Node.js, Flask.
  • Converting Comics to NFT using Blockchain

Tech Stack: React, React-Native, Android, iOS, Firebase,Flask, Nodejs, CosmosDB, NFT, Solidity

Visualize: Responsible for planning, managing, development and deployment of:

  • Android app to Play Store
  • iOS app to App Store

Tech Stack: React, React-Native, Android, iOS, Firebase, In-App purchases

Stonegrid Technology Solutions Private Limited

Software Engineer [Jan 2018 - Aug 2020 (2 years 8 months)]

  • Responsible for developing and providing full-stack support for the current project developed in ReactJs, Node Js, WebPack, Babel, Dropwizard and PostgreSQL- 9.4.
  • Maintaining coding standards and quality(SonarQube, ESLint), setting up the cloud infrastructure for Deployment.
  • Deployment automation using CircleCI.
  • Developing Android and iOS app and deploying to Playstore and App Store

Tech Stack: React, Spring-Boot, NodeJs, PostgreSQL, Webpack, AWS S3, Elastic Transcoder, Cypress, Jest, Android, iOS

Adinav Labs Private Limited

Full Stack Developer [Nov 2019 - Jul 2020 (9 months)]

  • Developed entire UI of
  • Email integration with nodemailer platform.
  • Messaging integration with msg91.
  • Developed and deployed Android and iOS app in GooglePlay Store and App Store respectively.
  • Developed Back-end Application for managing the Android app, iOS app, Admin Portal and Web application.
  • Published 1 npm package with 1,000+ downloads.

Industrial Trainee

Indian Railways [Dec 2017 - Jan 2018 (2 months)] Conducted practical training on the following topics:

  • Electronic Telephone Exchange
  • Railnet (Internet) System
  • Route Relay Interlocking (RRI) System
  • Electronic Interlocking (EI) System
  • MSDAC & OFC System
  • Microwave Communication


Master of Business Administration - MBA, Accounting and Finance

(Jan 2021 - Dec 2022)
Mizoram University

Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and Communications Engineering

(July 2014 - July 2018)
Mizoram University

Licenses & Certifications

  • Triplebyte Certified Front End Engineer - Triplebyte

  • Problem Solving - HackerRank

  • Javascript - HackerRank

  • Python - HackerRank

  • Software Architecture & Technology of Large-Scale Systems - Udemy



  • Flask
  • FastAPI
  • Django


  • React.js
  • React Native
  • Redux.js
  • Node.js


  • Core Java
  • SpringBoot
  • Android


  • MySQL
  • PSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Redis Cache


  • EC2
  • S3 Bucket
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • ECS
  • Terraform

Currently Using